Status of PO files managed with po4a for language code: fr — French

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29689 strings are translated to this language (from 32058). The packages are in three pools: translations underway, translations uptodate and translations to do.

In each table, packages are sorted according to their popcon score, so that translators can focus on the most popular packages.

Packages for which translation is underway

You can download and translate these PO files, and submit them as bug reports to package maintainers.

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Status Translator Date Bug
apt 98% (1136t;18f;5u)doc/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Giraud
dpkg 81% (2878t;497f;146u)man/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Giraud
sysvinit 66% (342t;40f;132u)man/po/fr.poJean-Paul Guillonneau
shadow 36% (499t;486f;383u)man/po/fr.poJean-Philippe MENGUAL
adduser 77% (280t;65f;14u)doc/po4a/po/fr.poJean-Paul GuillonneaurfrJP Guillonneau2025-03-03 11:32:39
base-passwd 95% (39t;2f;0u)man/po4a/po/fr.poBaptiste Jammet
fakeroot 78% (75t;19f;1u)doc/po4a/po/fr.poSylvain Cherrier
apt-listchanges 99% (133t;1f;0u)doc/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Giraud
debhelper 98% (1398t;5f;21u)man/po4a/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Giraud
devscripts 96% (3619t;37f;89u)po4a/po/fr.poXavier Guimard
debsums 99% (103t;1f;0u)man/po/fr.poAlban Vidal
fortunes-debian-hints 93% (41t;3f;0u)po4a/po/fr.poSteve Petruzzello
debian-history 67% (294t;103f;36u)po4a/po/fr.poSteve Petruzzello
python-pysnmp4-mibs 91% (22t;0f;2u)debian/doc/po/ Brulebois
Package Score File Translator Team
man-db 91% (364t;19f;14u)man/po4a/po/fr.poStéphane Aulerytraduc at traduc dot org
sssd 43% (1210t;135f;1468u)src/man/po/fr.poCopied by Zanata
kicad 51% (863t;351f;452u)doc/src/eeschema/po/fr.poMarc BERLIOUXkde-i18n-doc at kde dot org
kicad 90% (362t;3f;37u)doc/src/getting_started_in_kicad/po/fr.poFrancisco DOS SANTOSFrench
kicad 41% (87t;32f;90u)doc/src/kicad/po/fr.poFrancisco DOS SANTOSFrench
kicad 22% (159t;107f;436u)doc/src/pcbnew/po/fr.poMarc BERLIOUXkde-i18n-doc at kde dot org
kicad 42% (95t;0f;131u)doc/src/pl_editor/po/fr.poMarc BERLIOUXkde-i18n-doc at kde dot org
mkvtoolnix 99% (1034t;0f;1u)doc/man/po4a/po/fr.potmtisfreeFrench (http://app dot transifex dot com/moritz-bunkus/mkvtoolnix/language/fr/)
postgis 97% (5623t;0f;139u)doc/po/fr/postgis-manual.poThomas Muguet
po4a 99% (1417t;1f;1u)po/pod/fr.pobrandelune
authselect 94% (67t;4f;0u)src/man/po/
authselect 99% (154t;1f;0u)src/man/po/

Packages already translated

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Team
debconf100% (695t;0f;0u)doc/man/po4a/po/fr.poJean-Philippe MENGUALdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
debianutils100% (182t;0f;0u)po4a/po/fr.poBaptiste Jammetdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
aptitude100% (2735t;0f;0u)doc/po4a/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Girauddebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
po-debconf100% (310t;0f;0u)doc/po4a/po/fr.poChristian Perrierdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
dctrl-tools100% (314t;0f;0u)man/po4a/po/fr.poDavid Prévotdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
apt-show-versions100% (59t;0f;0u)man/po/fr.poJean-Baka Domelevo Entfellnerdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
amule100% (252t;0f;0u)docs/man/po/manpages-fr.poDylan AïssiFrançais
doc-base100% (72t;0f;0u)po/pod/fr.poJean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)debian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
schroot100% (655t;0f;0u)man/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Girauddebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
darktable100% (239t;0f;0u)doc/man/po/fr.poMichel Leblondmichel dot leblond62 at gmail dot com
pdf2djvu100% (167t;0f;0u)doc/po/fr.poJean-Paul Guillonneaudebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
tilix100% (62t;0f;0u)data/man/po/
svn-buildpackage100% (440t;0f;0u)doc/po/fr.poDavid Prévotdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
apt-src100% (105t;0f;0u)man/po/fr.poValery Perrindebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
pppconfig100% (50t;0f;0u)man/po/fr.poGregory Colpartdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
apt-build100% (85t;0f;0u)man/po/fr.poJean-Baka Domelevo Entfellnerdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
packaging-tutorial100% (648t;0f;0u)po4a/po/fr.poYOUR NAMEdebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
mtink100% (106t;0f;0u)debian/xml-man/po4a/po/fr.poJean-Pierre Girauddebian-l10-french at lists dot debian dot org
debarchiver100% (147t;0f;0u)po4a/po/fr.poAlban Vidaldebian-l10n-french at lists dot debian dot org
authselect100% (72t;0f;0u)src/man/po/

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files managed with po4a

This page was generated with data collected on: March 1st, 2025. Before working on these files, make sure they are up to date!