Status of PO files for language code: mjw — Karbi

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6104 strings are translated to this language (from 1181006). The packages are in three pools: translations underway, translations uptodate and translations to do.

In each table, packages are sorted according to their popcon score, so that translators can focus on the most popular packages.

Packages for which translation is underway

You can download and translate these PO files, and submit them as bug reports to package maintainers.

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Team
gnome-desktop 70% (24t;0f;10u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gtk4 45% (723t;0f;868u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-online-accounts 30% (44t;0f;101u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
rhythmbox 33% (328t;0f;641u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
evince 39% (172t;0f;261u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
totem 56% (213t;0f;167u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-keyring 50% (49t;0f;49u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-bluetooth3 77% (85t;0f;25u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
cheese 26% (35t;0f;96u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-terminal 31% (157t;0f;348u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-session 52% (32t;0f;29u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
nautilus 31% (351t;0f;775u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-menus 77% (21t;0f;6u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gdm3 98% (87t;0f;1u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gspell 56% (18t;0f;14u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-shell 56% (314t;0f;244u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
brasero 22% (220t;0f;749u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-software 28% (221t;0f;550u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-control-center 39% (656t;0f;1017u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
shotwell 15% (200t;0f;1083u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
libgnome-games-support1 92% (13t;0f;1u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-shell-extensions 53% (28t;0f;24u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-disk-utility 24% (181t;0f;564u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-user-share 50% (5t;0f;5u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
simple-scan 52% (99t;0f;91u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-system-monitor 22% (69t;0f;233u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-calculator 58% (354t;0f;255u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gedit 5% (39t;0f;690u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
eog 40% (136t;0f;202u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-video-effects 17% (12t;0f;56u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
baobab 52% (38t;0f;35u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-sound-recorder 81% (60t;0f;14u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-sushi 45% (5t;0f;6u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-clocks 43% (57t;0f;73u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-contacts 61% (104t;0f;66u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-tweaks 35% (65t;0f;118u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-maps 39% (128t;0f;199u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-calendar 67% (151t;0f;73u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-weather 75% (31t;0f;10u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-music 64% (79t;0f;44u)po/mjw.pokarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-initial-setup 64% (77t;0f;43u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
gnome-screenshot 47% (37t;0f;41u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
endeavour 48% (66t;0f;70u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
libgnome-games-support 92% (13t;0f;1u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
command-not-found 27% (8t;0f;21u)po/mjw.poJ Tmjw at li dot org
gnome-photos 36% (80t;0f;138u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
papers 39% (172t;0f;261u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
budgie-session 52% (32t;0f;29u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com

Packages already translated

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Team
vte2.91100% (2t;0f;0u)po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
totem-pl-parser100% (8t;0f;0u)po/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org
gnome-terminal100% (2t;0f;0u)subprojects/vte/po/mjw.poJor Teronkarbi dot translation at gmail dot com
fonts-cantarell100% (3t;0f;0u)appstream/mjw.poJor Teronmjw at li dot org

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files

Packages without PO files

Follow this link to see the list of packages without PO files.

This page was generated with data collected on: March 1st, 2025. Before working on these files, make sure they are up to date!