Debian Merchandise
As Debian's popularity has grown, we have received many requests for Debian merchandise. Being a non-profit organization, we don't make or sell anything ourselves. Luckily, a number of companies have seen a potential market and are trying to fill it. The information below is provided as a favor to our loyal users. The ordering is purely alphabetical and no ranking or endorsement of a specific vendor.
Some vendors contribute a portion of sales of Debian merchandise back to Debian. This is indicated under each vendor entry. We hope that vendors consider making donations to Debian.
In addition, some Debian contributors or local groups have produced Debian branded merchandise and may have some stock still available, information about that is available on the wiki.
Antcom Shop
Products: T-shirts, mugs, other clothing, badges
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: English
Original country: Germany
International delivery: Yes
Products: T-shirts, polo shirts, other clothing, hats, mouse pads, mugs, toys, bags, pillowcases, badges, stickers, cards, others
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: English
Original country: United States
International delivery: No. More information
Donates money to Debian
Debian France
Products: T-shirts, polo shirts, stickers, other clothing, mugs, USB-Sticks, others
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: French, English
Original country: France
International delivery: Yes
Money is used to organize local free software events
Donates money to Debian
Products: T-shirts, polo shirts, other clothing, mugs
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: English
Original country: Spain
International delivery: Yes
Donates money to Debian
Products: T-shirts, polo shirts, other clothing, USB-Sticks
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: English
Original country: Hungary
International delivery: Yes
Products: T-shirts, pillowcases
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: Polish
Original country: Poland
International delivery: No, within Europe
Sticker Mule
Products: stickers
Last Updated:
December 22nd, 2019
Available languages: English
Original country: United States
International delivery: Yes
If you sell merchandise with a Debian theme and would like to be listed on
this page, send mail in English to
Please provide us with the following information:
- the company name,
- the URL for your main page,
- the URL where Debian merchandise can be found,
- the list of Debian merchandise sold,
- the list of available languages on the website,
- the original country,
- information about delivery (international or not).
Since we are protective of our reputation, we take customer service seriously. If we receive complaints about your service, you will be removed from the page.